Monday, April 23, 2018

Double Your Income Selling On The Phone

"World's Greatest Phone Sales Trainer Reveals His Lifetime Of Secrets - Including How He Really Doubled His Income For Five Years Straight... And... How You Can Too!" 

If you would like to make more money (a lot more money) selling your products and services over the phone... then... this will be the most exciting and profitable web page you will ever read!  Here's why:  
In 1977 Stan Billue was a down-and-out self-made failure. 
By a stroke of dumb luck he met his mentor... and... Stan's life improved so dramatically it shocked everyone he knew. 
How did this happen? Simple. 
Stan's mentor told him to invest an hour a day learning the art of Sales. Stan was serious about succeeding. He took his mentor's advice and decided to specialize in phone sales. 
Soon after, Stan entered the sales profession and... 
Doubled His Income In Sales For 5 Consecutive Years 
He retired from selling in 1983. 
It was obvious to Stan that he had a great deal of material other sales people and business owners would find helpful.   So he took two months to organize all of his scripts, tips and techniques. 
Then he recorded Volume One of Double Your Income Selling On The Phone... and... it was an instant hit. It became the best-selling phone sales training audio series in history. 
In no time, this course started selling like hot cakes to the tune of over a million dollars a year. 
Stan even turned down a distribution offer from Nightingale-Conant. 
They wanted to sell the sets too cheaply. 
Instead of selling-out to a big corporation, Stan made his secrets available directly to sales industry pros, entrepreneurs and business owners. 
Those struggling to make a living began making life-changing money. 
And word spread like wildfire about this amazing product. 
Here are a handful of the secrets it reveals: 
  • How to get in the "zone" before sales calls! (In just a few minutes feel "pumped up" and exponentially boost your persuasive powers. When approaching people from this heightened emotional state they can't help but hear you out and get in on the deal.) 
  • 13 fundamental factors to making a "killing" in phone sales!  
  • Six steps to greeting strangers on the phone you've never spoken to before! (Drop their defenses, earn the right to continue the call and take control with confidence.) 
  • Why you should call people back if they hang up on you... and... what to say to mellow them out fast! (Sounds crazy, right? Call someone back after they tell you to take a hike? But I'm telling you... if it's done right... these irate prospects often become some of your best customers.) 
  • The diplomatic way to ask probing questions! (Asking questions is an art form. When done wrong people feel like they're in an FBI interrogation. But... when done correctly... people cheerfully respond and reveal the buying motives hiding deep in their mind.) 
  • When you should never... EVER... proceed with a phone presentation! (Refuse to heed my advice on this point... and... you've just given the prospect permission to stall forever.) 
  • How to build a "yes momentum" that sweeps any prospect off his feet! (Become just a tad more proficient at this skill and... 
Your income has nowhere to go but... up... Up... UP!  
  • How to customize a phone pitch to the exact needs and desires of the prospect! (Otherwise, you'll bore them to death and kill any chance of securing the sale.) 
  • The 3 basic types of objections and how to turn them into reasons for buying!  
  • The "catch-all" objection response designed to diffuse a prospect's negativity and move the sale forward at the same time! (Try this the next time anyone challenge's you... and... watch in amazement as they back-peddle and expose what's really on their mind.) 
  • Three emotional "pain points" to cover during any presentation to give prospects every reason to jump on your offer immediately! 
  • How many times -- on average -- you'll need to close someone before they finally "cave"! (Stopping too soon is like burning hundred dollar bills on the side of the road. Because, the harsh reality is, you need more ways to get them to say yes than they have to say no. Play the Law of Averages here and you'll bust through quotas like never before!) 
  • A secret way to "glide" prospects into the close and get them to accept your proposal... AFTER... they said... NO! (Is that really possible? You betcha! I can't tell you how many times I've used this secret technique to turn rejection into bushels of money!) 
  • Why it's critical to make the "sale-after-the-sale" if you hope to build a growing list of happy customers who know, like, trust and refer you to their friends and family! (If you knew just how much money you're leaving on the table by not taking this simple step it would bring tears to your eyes.) 
Are you a sales professional? 
Consultant?... Independent contractor?... Freelancer?... Entrepreneur or business owner? 
Do you, a secretary or receptionist answer calls in your business? 
Do you prospect for new business or take in-coming calls from prospects or customers? 
Or do you talk to anyone on the phone, via webinar or teleseminar who is or could become a customer? 
Then... you need Stan's phone sales secrets! 
Because what you (or your employees) say on the phone... 
... how calls are handled -- to AND from -- prospects and customers... 
Impacts Your Personal Income And Bottom-Line Revenues Like Nothing Else! 
Stan began receiving hundreds of success stories from his students. 
But he realized he hadn't shared everything he knew in Volume One. 
Soooo... in 1985 he wrote and recorded Volume Two. Which contains advanced phone sales skills, secrets and techniques no one except Stan knew. 
Secrets like: 
  • How to sway secretaries and gate keepers to put your call through without revealing what it's all about! (Having a hard time reaching decision-makers? No problem! Here's a time-tested way to win over front-line employees and have them scrambling to get the right person on the phone.) 
  • 2 ways to get the exact name and contact details of department heads... when... you don't know who to ask for! (Either one works like a charm every time!) 
  • How to sound conversational... rather than... confrontational when prying prospects for answers! 
  • Four types of "loaded" questions framed to get specific responses from hesitant prospects! 
  • How to end the first call of a multi-step sales cycle! (This is how you plant intrigue and curiosity in the mind of a prospect so they can't wait for the next call.) 
The 12 personality types and how to tailor your pitch to sell each one!  
  • 5 questions swirling around in a prospect's head! (Give them the right answers and the sale is as good as made. Give them the wrong answers and you can forget about it.) 
  • How to guarantee prospects keep their phone appointments! (Reduce cancellations by at least half by applying one of these two appointment confirmation techniques!) 
  • A neat tip on how to engage people so they focus and pay rapt attention! (Let's face it, you have no clue what the other person is doing while on the phone with you. With this secret, they'll have no choice but to follow along closely and avoid distractions!) 
  • 3 scientifically-measured components of a can't-miss phone presentation... and... which one above all others impacts a sale the most! 
  • Six rules for disarming skeptical people and making objections obsolete!  
  • The Encyclopedia of Success! (Listen to this audio often... whenever you need to get "juiced up"... and your motivation levels will soar!) 
They say when a product or service stays popular -- for any extended period of time -- it has "legs." Unfortunately, sales figures are not available for spoken-word recordings like they are in the music industry. 
Regardless, we believe Double Your Income Selling On The Phone is... 
The Top Selling Phone Sales Training Series Ever Produced In History  
This course is perfect for anyone who sells by phone, teleseminar, webinar, Skype or any other remote live medium. Plus... it contains sales secrets perfect for face-to-face sales too. 
You get: 
  • 24 downloadable MP3 audio tracks (10 hours of solid, hard-hitting remote selling techniques you can bank on...) 
  • Priceless and transferable content delivered in a lively, entertaining manner for easy retention... 
  • Covers every facet of a bullet-proof, over-the-phone presentation from the greeting to 100 ways to close a sale... 
How valuable is this course? 
Now It's Your Turn To Make The Phone Your Secret Sales Weapon Of Choice! 
Yes, it can happen for you as it has for thousands of others. 
If you listen to the audios and apply the secrets Stan teaches... then... your income and success can know no bounds. 
Double Your Income Selling On The Phone is the best (and maybe only) tele-sales course you'll ever need to own. Because... if you use the phone in any way, shape or form to talk to prospects or customers... then you'll discover all the strategies to turn yourself into a phone sales master. 
The other sales reps in your office will be scratching their heads wondering why (and HOW) you keep closing everyone you talk to.  
Other businesses competing with yours won't stand a fighting chance. 
And your family will love you for being able to provide for them... without... going through the unnecessary financial worries so many other people suffer. 
The entire 10-hours of downloadable audio content has sold for as much as $497. 
But you won't have to pay anywhere near that much. 
In fact, if you act today -- RIGHT NOW -- you can own these money-making secrets for almost... 
More Than HALF OFF (60% OFF To Be Exact) What Others Have Paid! 
That's right, just... $197. 
This product will not cost you a penny. 
Apply the phone sales secrets Stan reveals... and... you'll be writing your own ticket from now on. It's an investment that will pay off quickly. It's an investment that will pay off for the rest of your life. It's an investment you can't afford not to make. 
Look, you're standing at a crossroads here. 
You could decide to do nothing. Or keep doing whatever you're doing. Where's that gotten you and where do you think it'll get you in the future? Chances are you're struggling for no good reason to sell your products or services. 
Unless you get yourself educated that struggle won't stop. 
Sure, you might eventually get there. But why make it so hard on yourself? 
On the other hand, armed with the secrets in Double Your Income Selling On The Phone you can shortcut your journey to sales and business success. 
It's up to you. 
Do the smart thing and get this course now. 
You'll be glad you did... 
Plus, we're shouldering all the risk with this generous... 

IMPORTANT: Double Your Income Selling On The Phone may be tax deductible. 
Income tax deductions are allowed for education expenses undertaken to maintain and improve professional skills. So you may be eligible for a full tax write-off by investing in this course. 
Before you make your next sales call...  
Before you take the next in-coming call from a prospect or customer...  
Go through this audio course and etch Stan Billue's phone sales secrets onto your brain.  
You'll then be able to confidently...  
  • Make high-probability prospecting calls without wasting your time!  
  • Convert prospects into happy customers who buy over and over again!  
  • Bust through sales quotas like never before!  
  • Get more business than you can handle!  
  • And finally, earn the type of income that could put you on "Easy Street"!  
If you listen and apply Stan Billue's proven phone sales secrets this could turn out to be the best investment you've ever made.  
Simply place your order and... within a few minutes... you'll have instant access to the download page.   
Go for it right now and you'll never look back... Double Income Selling On The Phone

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