Monday, April 9, 2018

10 Things No Man Really Cares About While Having Sex

As women, we really do ourselves and our potential pleasure a disservice by overthinking everything we do in bed. In particular, we tend to overestimate what a man may expect from us and our bodies when we’re getting down and dirty.
Here are 10 things men don’t really care about when having sex:

 How wet or not wet you are
There’s really no need to be insecure about being “too wet”. I mean, let’s face it, men are hardly going to be complaining about it and are actually very likely to see it as a compliment. And if you’re the kind of woman who has difficulties getting wet, there’s always lube.

If your vagina doesn’t smell like a bouquet of fresh flowers

Women are especially insecure about the smell of their privates during oral sex. But it’s really not worth stressing about it – oral sex is a really intimate moment to share with a partner so just enjoy it! Also, vaginas are supposed to smell like vaginas and not your favorite Marc Jacobs perfume.

If you’re too loud or not loud enough

Contrary to popular belief, no reasonable man is expecting the women they sleep with to be screaming the entire place down. And if you do happen to be a loud moaner, that’s also cool. We all know when we can be loud and quit! 

What you’ve done with your hair

Men are so psyched any time they get the chance to have sex that they’re certainly not thinking about trivial things like whether or not your hair is up or down.

The sounds you make during sex

While certain sexual experiences can leave you feeling vulnerable or embarrassed, a lot of the time you lose control in the best possible way. When you orgasm, you’re essentially losing control over your body and this can lead you to make involuntary movements and sounds. It’s to be expected and no one’s going to be weirded out by it.

 If you jiggle
It’s pretty inevitable that your wobbly bits are going to jiggle about when you have sex, so it really isn’t something you should try to hide. No one should ever be so ashamed of their bodies that they will only ever have sex with a t-shirt on and the lights completely out.

Whether you’re totally hairless or not
A lot of women feel the need to painstakingly shave every part of their body for fear that their sexual partner will be disgusted by how they naturally look. But it’s almost certainly not as big a deal as you think it is. A lot of men will just be pleased that you’re willing to take your clothes off for them.

How long it takes you to come

If it takes you a long time to orgasm, you might start to feel self-conscious. But whatever happens, just know that he’ll be enjoying himself. Plus it’s pretty well-documented that women find it trickier to finish than their male counterparts so it’ll hardly be a blow to his ego if you don’t.

 Your sex face

It’s safe to say that men probably like that thing you do with your face during your steamy sex sessions. And besides, they have their own particular sex face.

 Giving constructive criticism

Any man will be willing to get a few handy pointers on how best to please a woman he is having sex with. He’d have to be pretty sensitive to take offense and ultimately it will serve you both if you are open and honest with each other.

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